FIDO2 USB Key 設計服務 (ODM Service)
銓安智慧科技 一月正式發表 FIDO2 USB Key ODM 服務平台。未來將研發 FIDO2 無密碼登入行動裝置 (USB Key),協助企業、政府、電商和教育機構抵擋釣魚網站或身份偽造的威脅!
我們的 USB Key 具備以下特點
除了產品導入,我們提供顧問服務,協助客戶釐清應用情境的風險,並具備雲端、手機裝置端的密碼模組,搭配 USB Key 依照需求組建解決方案。
匯智安全科技從底層密碼實作到硬體開發一手包辦,除了打造自有產品,也有足夠能力透過 ODM 幫客戶打造專屬的 USB Key。
認知行為 (Cognition-based/Behavior-oriented) 認證
未來的 USB Key 產品系列,將推出市場絕無僅有的「認知行為」認證,從輕觸、指紋辨識或 PIN,提升到認知行為。
This year IKV-Tech will develop FIDO2 USB Key! We aim to make it one of a kind in terms of business model and authentication method with our
Comprehensive product portfolio
Besides ODM service, we provide consulting service, helping customers clarify the risk of the target use case. Meanwhile, our crypto module for clouds and mobile devices are available for an integrated solution.
Cryptographic implementation
We not only build our own USB Key but design branded keys for enterprises, governmental entities, educational institutions and others through ODM.
Our USB key is one-of-a-kind because of its cognition-oriented authentication method. Which is by no means comparable with fingerprint, PIN or touch.