- IoT security design
- Public key infrastructure
- Key management system
- Security chip integration
IoT Security Design
90% of the IoT devices work without any security mechanism or with jeopardizing vulnerabilities, which means the hackers can control the devices easily and have access to the unauthorized data for crime activities.
Our iBadge Device Identity Management uses a strong cryptographic authentication chip of low unit cost and offers a cloud-based platform for authentication and management. Based on this solid foundation, vendors and service providers can thus alleviate worries about security.
Public Key Infrastructure
We have comprehensive experiences of PKI applications, from windows and thin-client smart card log-on, deep to CA design, configuration and management.
Key Management System
We have designed and built KMS systems for telecommunication OTA service and for merchant POS e-Purse system. The KMS provides the key lifecycle management, key update and online authentication services.Security Chip Integration
Based on our platforms, we design cryptographic infrastructures for various systems, integrating military-grade security chips into PCI-E cards, USB tokens, MicroSD cards and so on. By doing so, we fulfill subsystem-level security digital protection.
In addition to the platforms on which tailor-made security mechanisms are devised, we provide fundamental cryptographic solutions applicable to diverse industries. They include
- IoT security design
- Public key infrastructure
- Key management system
- Security chip integration
- Data Protection during/after Exchange
90% of the IoT devices work without any security mechanism or with jeopardizing vulnerabilities, which means the hackers can control the devices easily and have access to the unauthorized data for crime activities.
Our iBadge Device Identity Management uses a strong cryptographic authentication chip of low unit cost and offers a cloud-based platform for authentication and management. Based on this solid foundation, vendors and service providers can thus alleviate worries about security.
We have comprehensive experiences of PKI applications, from windows and thin-client smart card log-on, deep to CA design, configuration and management.
We have designed and built KMS systems for telecommunication OTA service and for merchant POS e-Purse system. The KMS provides the key lifecycle management, key update and online authentication services.
Based on our platforms, we design cryptographic infrastructures for various systems, integrating military-grade security chips into PCI-E cards, USB tokens, MicroSD cards and so on. By doing so, we fulfill subsystem-level security digital protection.
We leverage our capacitiy to design hardware security modules and security keys to build a total data protection solution. Data protection d/a exchage adopts crypto-based password-less authentication, hardware-based high performance encryption, and server-to-client multual authentication. The solution prevents data leakage, ransomware, man-in-the-middle attack, etc.
Why is our security chipTrustworthyReliableRobust?
Security chips own many patents, including cryptographic algorithm, tamper resistant, secure COS and sensors that detect intrusive and non-intrusive attacks. Though many companies buy intellectual properties trying to devise a SoC that equals a standard security chip, it turns out that the cost is several times higher than gains.
The absence of accelerators leads to poor performance in the encrypting process since cryptographic algorithms usually involve computing big numbers. For security concern, the accelerator functions only in the secure areas of chips to boost the overall performance of security services. Storages are likewise very important, especially for cryptographic keys and confidential information.
Means of intrusion vary with hackers’ tricks. Without appropriate design and implementation, devices are very likely to be attacked within seconds once vulnerabilities are exposed. Smart cards are an example.
The market of security chips usually involves export control; only by NDA and certification can the access be obtained, and regular inspection is also needed. Security chips available on DigiKey or Mouser have been cracked and proven extremely vulnerable.
- FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate
- ISO 15408 Certification
- Common Criteria EAL
These three mainstream certificates cost considerably high, from hundreds of thousands of US dollars to millions.

The market of security chips is very challenging; for manufacturers, precaution and countermeasures are in any time needed to satisfy clients’ requirements in this ever changing world, so our skills should always keep up with hackers’ newest tactics. Besides internationally accredited security chips, we also localize and customize our services, such as risk assessment, cost benefit analysis (CBA) and penetration test.
Lastly, to provide robust security chips and reliable solutions, IKV-Tech collaborates with world-known manufacturer, Infineon, to resell and develop the finest security chips.